Burren Belle Sale

I sent the description of this piece of work to the Gallery in an email after its completion. Originally a few sentences of prose, the email was briefly lost in the internet ether only to reappear in my editor’s inbox, rearranged by his computer into the format of a free-verse poem. Having never seen my original notes, he assumed this to be a first foray into the world of poetic expression; but for the sake of avoiding plagiarism, it should properly be attributed to modern technology.
‘Burren Belle’, by Email Provider
This assemblage speaks of the bare faced lie
of the Burren, Co. Clare, Eire.
Its limestone landscape pitted, routed, gouged,
seemingly brutally inhospitable and yet,
certain flora and fauna not only survive
they can thrive.
Succoured to sturdiness
before decapitation by a scything wind,
a stubborn limb, bone-bleached
offers a finger-post for a Burren Belle.
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